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Hair transplantation (also called hair restoration or hair implantation) is a minor surgical process that takes hair from the back of the head or a donor and moves it to the area of hair loss. It is a process of restoring hair permanently by transplanting new follicles into balding or thinning areas. Healthy follicle are taken from other areas of the body, mostly from the back or the sides of the head.


Hair loss for men and women continues to be a significant problem worldwide, with an estimated volume of over 600,000 surgical hair restoration procedures performed in 2016 alone. Traditional treatment strategies have been mainly limited to pharmaceutical and surgical modalities.


According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, 703,183 hair transplant surgeries were performed in 2021. The country with the highest prevalence of hair loss is the Czech Republic, followed closely by Spain, Germany, and France.


Invest in your hair, the crown you never take off.


FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. It is a minimally invasive treatment that involves our specialist hair surgeon using hair from a ‘stable zone’ which is most commonly at the back or side of the head, to correct hair density in the area you wish to improve – the beard, goatee, moustache, or sideburns for instance. The site of the hair that is used to correct the area of concern is called the donor site. If you are bald or balding and are concerned about hair being removed from your head, it is also possible to use chest hair as a donor site. Hair for beard transplants typically needs to be fine.
